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Scroll down to see all 2024 projects
more projects will continue to be added

Foster Kids in Need - Donate items to make a difference in their lives

Full Entertainment needed - Be part of the show, sing, dance, drama, variety 

MILE SQUARE PARK   Planting, mulching, planting trees, weeding and other enhancements are needed each year.  150 volunteers will come together in an organized way to accomplish hundreds of our hours of needed labor. 
IRBY PARK -Improve the park by spreading wood chips, help create natural settings (similar to HB Urban Forest) and clearing out vegetation. 
Full Welcome Staff - Be a sign in coordinator - each project needs a friendly face to greet volunteers. 
Full OAKVIEW COMMUNITY - Volunteers will enhance the exterior of the library. They will also weed the flower beds and pick up trash.
HEARTS AND HANDS -We will be making things for hospitalized children, active and recently returning members of our military, human trafficking survivors, seniors, children and adults with disabilities, the homeless, and many more. Help with one project or try all!

The center serves those with disabilities and is in need of sprucing up.

Come to make the environment more inviting.

FV HERITAGE PARK - Create some natural beauty in this cherished space. 
Full SENIOR HOME IMPROVEMENT - Help elderly who do not have the means or able to make simple repairs where they live. If you have a few skills, you will give relief and allow the elderly and disabled to remain in their homes. 
Full HB WETLANDS - Weeding, garbage removal, painting, planting, landscaping, pathway created and other opportunities to keep 127 acres of marsh land pristine.  

Full Rise Against Hunger-This is a fun hands-on project as you work in unison to pack meals. Come help serve meals worldwide in the coordinated event.

HB CITY Lifeguard HQ & RV Park - 

Planting a variety of flowers, shrubs, and palms to enhance the aesthetics of the Lifeguard HQ and RV Camper Lot.

Community Picnic helpers - seeking volunteers to help set up, host, direct, clean up at HB Bandstand area. 

Full No Sew Comfort Pals are handmade items designed to bring solace and warmth to patients in hospice care and those navigating the journey of grief.

Full BOLSA CHICA CONSERVANCY WETLANDS - Help us to restore native habitats at Bolsa Chica by removing invasive plant species and installing native plants. 
Full Enhance Bartlett ParkBeautify the outdoors, and make a difference in this rustic, natural park. 
HB YOUTH SHELTER - They need outside yardwork, mulching, and general gardening. Inside, deep cleaning the kitchen and reorganization.   
Full  Shipley Nature Center - Come help with mulching, planting, cultivating and general clean up.
Helping Hands A residential home with violations does not have the means or health for the clean-up needed, without neighborly kindness.
Full  Monarch Nature Trail Plant, mulch, water and weed around native plants on the Monarch Butterfly Trail,
Diaper Drive, online - Donations go to the OC Diaper Bank to make a significant impact.
The Fount Church Gazebo - Breathe new life in a symbol of unity in our community. 
Urban Forest enhancement - work along side the tree society to make this area beautiful
Full  Robyne's Landing - Clean up and spruce up home for youth! 
Operation Shoebox - Bring items and pack a shoebox for children around the world. 
Secret Garden - Cultivate natural beauty at this special spot

Spruce up a Fountain Valley Mobile Home park - lend a helping hand for residents who can't.

Mobile home park  Come out to give needed service.

Photographers and Journalists needed - help capture and incredible stories of Community Service Day.
Help at local Mobile Home Park - give some meaningful service. 

Full Gardening at Senior Center - planting and mulching. 

Urban Forest Special Project - participate in solving a need to protect this rural area.

Surf City Church fix up - enhance an original Huntington Beach Church.  Support this local historic location with needed tasks.

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About The Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council


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GHBIC manages the annual Community Service Day for the past 10 years.  We invite all residents, businesses, faiths, nonprofits, youth groups and government volunteers to join in for the good of our great cities. 


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